Carolyn Fischer

Research Manager, Sustainability and Infrastructure Team, Development Research Group, World Bank

Carolyn Fischer is the lead economist and research manager for the Sustainability and Infrastructure Team in the Development Research Group of the World Bank. She was previously appointed professor of environmental economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, held the Canada 150 Research Chair in Climate Economics, Innovation and Policy at the University of Ottawa, and has served on several boards and advisory councils within the field of Environmental and Resource Economics.

Speaker Schedule

Saturday, February 1, 2025

at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS)
12:00pm - 1:15pm
Europe's Role in Global Diplomacy: Connecting the Balkans and Beyond TimĨo Mucunski | John Shattuck | Albana Shehaj

Moderated by Ilva Tare

JFK Jr. Forum
Pretense or Promise? Europe's Climate Ambition Mohammed Chahim | Carolyn Fischer | Todd Stern

Moderated by Carrie Jenks

Starr Auditorium
A European Brand: Architecture, Hospitality, and Entertainment Alberto Candellero | Florian Idenburg | Demetri Tsolakis

Moderated by Octavia Marginean-Tahiroglu

Wexner 330