Rémy Bonny

Executive Director, Forbidden Colors
Rémy Bonny is a human rights defender and expert in international relations, specializing in LGBTIQ+ rights and foreign policy. He is the executive director of Forbidden Colours, a Europe-wide non-profit advocating for LGBTIQ+ human rights and democracy. Bonny is an expert on how ultraconservative and anti-democratic regimes, such as Russia and Hungary, use anti-LGBTIQ+ policies in their international relations. In 2019, he exposed a Russian-Hungarian disinformation campaign targeting LGBTIQ+ communities in Europe. In 2021, he revealed Hungary’s anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda law, modeled after Russia’s 2013 law, and in 2023 led a successful campaign urging EU member states to join legal proceedings against Hungary’s law, the largest such case in EU history. Bonny has briefed governments on disinformation, foreign information manipulation, and human rights sanctions. He holds degrees in Political Science from the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and a European Master in Human Rights & Democratisation. His work has been featured in major outlets like Time, Politico, The Guardian, and Le Monde.
Speaker Schedule
Saturday, February 1, 2025
at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS)Fortifying Europe's Frontlines: Ukraine and NATO Mateusz Morawiecki | Dafna Rand
Moderated by David M. Herszenhorn
Europe's Role in Middle East Peace Ellie Geranmayeh | Alexandre Stutzmann | Nathalie Tocci Moderated by Ellie Geranmayeh
Migration: Shaping Elections and Societies Ylva Johansson | Ioannis Ktistakis | Estelle Youssouffa
Moderated by Michele Klein
Brain Drain and Emerging Tech Tommaso Calarco | Jean Michel Dalle | Pavlina Yanakieva
Moderated by Leonie Beyrle Barker
Can Europe Lead the Fight for Human Rights in a Changing World? Rémy Bonny | Wojciech Sadurski | Nathalie Tocci
Moderated by Mathias Risse